The Historical Society of Escambia County, Alabama, organized in 1971, had as one of its primary goals the preparation of a history of the county. As time passed several members of the society engaged in research and gathered facts, which were published in the Historical Quarterly of the Society by its editor, Mrs. Carolyn Pugh McLendon, with the purpose of preserving these events that would ultimately result in the publication of a permanent history.
Active plans were launched by the Society in 1979 to achieve this goal, and after a year of work by a Book Committee, the author was selected. The author has no claim to any literary ability and has written in simple language to present the facts in their clearest and most elementary form in the hope that the results would be of interest to the residents of the county.
There is a possibility that some who peruse these pages may think that too many minute details have been given, but the author felt that this was necessary to recreate the events as they occurred. No time or expense has been spared in attempting to verify incidents and traditions -from recorded materials. Extensive use has been made of documents preserved in the Escambia County Courthouse, State and National Archives, the Mobile and Pensacola Public Libraries, the extant copies of old, newspapers published in the county, Official Records of the Civil War, records in the file of historian Ed Leigh McMillan I, and other sources.
If an observant reader should find what he or she believes to be an error, the author wishes to state that the written record has proved all statements of fact and all unproven traditions are so labeled. The author is a fifth generation native of Escambia County, two sets of her ancestors having arrived in the days when the area was a part of the Mississippi Territory. Historical events have been related to each descending generation, but none have been written [here] unless found in preserved records.

This page last modified on Saturday, February 25, 2012